Jesus told us to go out and make disciples of all nations.  In order to make disciples, we need to be disciples ourselves.  As a soldier goes through boot camp and athletes train vigorously to compete, so we too must discipline ourselves to make our calling sure.

The goal of our ministry is to help in this process and to equip the saints as part of the 5 fold ministry.

This is a twofold process:

  1. Renewing of your mind, and,
  2. Renewing of the spirit of your mind

You could renew your mind all day long for years and years but until and unless you renew the spirit of your mind, you will not commit to action.  This is your attitude that what Jesus said, he said directly to you and that you accept and act on your commission just like a soldier his orders or an athlete his call to the Olympics.


Start here by watching one or all of the onlineDivine Healing Technician Training.

  • DHT Plano, TX – YouTube
  • DHT Doncaster City – YouTube
  • DHT Virginia – YouTube
  • DHT Seattle – YouTube
  • DHT Boulder, CO – YouTube
  • DHT Duluth – MP3
  • DHT Questions And Answers – YouTube
  • Nuevo DHT en Español – YouTube
  • DHT en Español – YouTube
  • DHT in Dutch – YouTube
  • DHT en Français – TGD Séminaire sur la Guérison Divine Duluth, MN 2006
  • DHT in Italian – YouTube
  • DHT in Russian – YouTube – Карри Блейк – Curry Blake "Школа Исцеления"
  • DHT in Hindi – YouTube
  • A Basic Course in Divine Healing Manual – This is the old 1997 Divine Healing Course manual.  Click here to order a current, new DHT manual in English, Spanish or Russian.
              TIP: MP3 Cyborg – Free tool allows you to convert YouTube or other video to MP3 audio format for download.              TIP: Video Cyborg – Free tool allows you to convert YouTube or other video to MP4 video format for download.            

Next, watch the New Man Series – This changes everything!

  • The New Man – YouTube
  • New Man Series – At Deepwater Community Church in Ohio
  • New Man Series – At Doncaster Church – YouTube
  • New Man Series – Volume One – Toowoomba, Australia – YouTube Audio
  • Kingdom New Man – Youtube
  • New Man Series Manual – Printed or PDF download

Next, watch the SWAT Series (Spiritual Warriors & Warfare Apostolic Training)

  • SWAT 1 – Spiritual Warriors Apostolic Training 1 – YouTube & MP3
  • SWAT 2 – Spiritual Warfare Apostolic Training 2 – YouTube & MP3
  • New SWAT – (SWAT 1 & SWAT 2 Combined) MP3's
  • SWAT Material from

Next, watch the Mind Renewal Seminar

  • Mind Renewal
  • Mind Renewal Seminar Manual – Printed or PDF download

Then, watch the Manifested Sons Of God Seminar

  • Manifested Sons Of God Seminar – YouTube
  • Manifested Sons Of God Seminar Manual Paper or PDF download
  • 2019 Manifested Sons of God in Korean 커리블레이크목사 집회

Other Curry Blake Teaching:

  • Diversity Of Tongues – Youtube,  Diversity Of Tongues – MP3,  Manual (Paper or PDF download)
  • Raise the Dead – YouTube
  • Kingdom Finance (MP3),  Manual (Paper or PDF download)
  • Curry Blake at LIFE Mission in Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Saints Movement – MP3
  • How the enemy fights you – YouTube
  • Releasing The Spirit Into Your Flesh – Youtube
  • Releasing the Spirit of Christ into your Flesh – Youtube
  • Evict the problem – Youtube
  • Proclamations In Christ – Youtube
  • Healing prayer powerfull – Youtube

Instruction material:

  • Biblical Facts on Healing
  • How to Minister Healing Flowchart
  • JGLM Pre-Ministry Instructions – JGLM handout
  • JGLM Post-Ministry Instructions – JGLM handout
  • Daily Healing Declarations
  • John G. Lake's Secrets Of Divine Healing – JGLM handout
  • The "Secret" That Makes It Work – JGLM handout
  • Healing Truths that Destroy Traditions – Curry Blake
  • Divine Healing Questions – Curry Blake
  • The Truth About the Baptism in the Holy Spirit – Finnis J. Dake
  • Excuses of Unbelief Answered With Scripture – Finnis Dake
  • The Walk of the Spirit – The Walk of Power – Dave Roberson

Biographies of Healing Ministers:

  • Who was John G Lake?
  • Who is Curry R Blake?

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